JSyn is a tool for real time sounds synthesis. It is based on Units Generator concept introduced with Music N and is suitable to be used for stand-alone applications or implemented in Java Web environment.

Features – JSyn was developed by Phil Burk in the late nineties. His idea was to create an alternative to those programs which, though highly functionals, are based on a dedicated language. The idea of Burk, however, was to develop an API (which stands for Application Programmers Interface) for real time sound synthesis available for those able to program in Java. The use of a language well known and widely used, based on object-oriented approach and characterized by a high portability (hence its wide use in the Web) would give to JSyn the attention of a large virtual community developers.

Audio limits in Java – A Java limitation, however,was his inability to manage samples different by 8-bit and with a sampling frequency of 22 kHz.i aspetti negativi di Java, che richiedeva di essere superato, era quello di gestire soltanto campioni audio a 8 bit e con una frequenza di campionamento di 22 Khz. JSyn, however, was designed to give a tool that guarantees a high audio quality, both in stand-alone than in web application.[1]

Over JSyn – Recently, JSyn was used as basis for creating other software. This is the case of JMSL, by Nick Didkovsky and Phil Burk, and Wire, a graphics editor developed by Robert Marsanyi that, along with Burk, had already worked on the improvement of HMSL, a computer music language developed from the early eighties by Larry Polansky and David Rosenboom.


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[1] Phil  Burk, JSyn – A Real-time Synthesis API for Java, Proceedings of ICMC, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1998, USA.

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